Tuesday, November 02, 2004


There goes twelve bucks

Homecoming wasn't really anything big in high school; there were special theme dress days and maybe a dance at the end of the week. All in all, it wasn't that exciting.

Enter college. Homecoming week around here was amazing! Bonfires, bed races, parades... there was all kinds of stuff going on! It was great. I missed some of the stuff because of the radio play, but still got to catch the parade and the dance, so yeah. The dance was pretty cool, and since it was close to haloween we all dressed up. My costume really only consisted of a pirate hat and an eyepatch, but hey, what can I say, I'm lazy.

The radio play ended last weekend, too, and I'm glad I got to participate in it. It was cool to see everything come together like it did in the end, and people who watched it said they enjoyed it. The only bad thing that came out of it was the extra pair of black pants I have, but I'll survive. Chuck had told us, you see, that we needed to dress in black for this performacne; me, thinking I didn't own any black pants, went off to Wal-Mart to buy a pair on Saturday. Picture the scene: there I am, putting these slacks on before the performance, when my eyes wander over to my clothes. Things seem perfectly normal, except for the darn pair of black pants I appearently already had sitting underneath some jeans. I couldn't believe it. It might have been a good idea to actually check to see if I hadn't brought any black pants instead of just asumming, huh? I'll remember that next time.

Oh, and National Novel Writing Month officially started yesterday (http://www.NaNoWriMo.org for more info). I've only cranked out like 500 or so words, so I need to get crakin'. I'll tell you all more about my novel later, but for now I think I'll take a nap.


Homecoming wasn't anything big here. I don't know what kind of crack my college is on. However, Homecoming was also the same time as parents weekend... go figure. I didn't miss anything either way.

No blog about the election, what the hey?

Good luck with your novel. Hope you finish it. Or get halfway. Most people I know haven't gotten very far.

Um, its naptime. Glad to hear the radio play went well. Happy wednesday!

Bed races, huh? I might have to look into that one...anyway, good luck on your novel. I know it'll be cool. And a rule of thumb: it is important to own more than one pair of black slacks! Just so you know...

Hey Paul, its been a week since you've blogged anything. Are you feeling ok?

Are you guys done with midterms yet?